Dr. Afia Begum (B. Sc. Hons., M. Sc., M. Phil., Ph.D.)

Research interest: Medical Physics.
E-mail: apelie@phy.buet.ac.bd
Tel: 9665650-80 (Ext. 7491)

Details about Afia Begum


(a) Journal:
1. Afia Begum, A. Rahman, S.M. Hossain, S. Basunia, R.U. Miah, M. Rahman, A. Hafiz and N.I. Molla, "73Ge(n,p)73Ga reaction cross-section measurement in the energy range 13.82-14.71 MeV", Journal of Nuclear Science and Application, 4(2):9-11, 1995.

2. Afia Begum, Md. Jahangir Alam, Harun ar Rashid, A.S. Mollah and Gias uddin Ahmad, "Mathematical expression for the representation of central axis percentage depth dose of Co-60 beam for different field sizes and depths", Bangladesh Journal of Medical Physics, 1:1-9,2002.

3. Afia Begum and Gias uddin Ahmad, "A study on dosimetry planning for the treatment of gynaecological cancer patient", Bangladesh Journal of Medical Physics, 3:71-79, 2004.

4. N. Takata, T. Kurosawa, A. Begum, T. Sugita, "Physical parameters and correction factors for ionization chambers for absolute measurement of air kerma in gamma-ray fields", Nuclear Instruments and methods in Physics Research A, 580:346-349, 2007.

5. Afia Begum, "Estimation of the rectal and bladder doses from the low dose rate afterloading brachytherapy during the treatment of carcinoma of the cervix" Bangladesh Journal of Physics, 3:41-47, 2007.

6. N.Takata and A. Begum, "Corrections to air kerma and exposure measured with free air ionization chambers for charge of photoelectrons, compton electrons and auger electrons", Radiation Protection Dosimetry , 130:410-418, 2008.

7. Afia Begum and Nobuhisa Takata, "Recombination parameters of some fabricated ionization chambers", Bangladesh Journal of Medical Physics , 4(1):101-106, 2011.

8. Afia Begum and Nobuhisa Takata, "Angle dependent sensitivity of some fabricated pancake and spherical ionization chambers", Bangladesh Journal of Physics , 11:67-73, 2012.

9. Md. Khairul Hassan Bhuiyan, Md. Mahbubur Rahman, Md. Forhad Mina, Muhammad Remanul Islam, Md. Abdul Gafur, Afia Begum, "Crystalline morphology and properties of multi-walled carbon nanotube filled isotactic polypropylene nanocomposites: Influence of filler size and loading", Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing , 52:70-79, 2013.

(b) Conference Proceedings and Presentations


(i) Study on critical organ dose during treatment of some commonly occurred cancer. M Obaidur Rahman, Afia Begum, Md Shakilur Rahman. Regional Physics Conference. Organized by Bangladesh Physical Soceity, February 11-13, 2006.


1. N. Takata, T. Kurosawa, Afia Begum, T. Sugita, "Physical parameters and correction factors for ionization chambers for absolute measurement of air kerma in g-ray fields", International Symposium on Radiation Physics held in September 2006 ay Coimbra University in Portugal.

2. N. Takata and Afia Begum, "Corrections for charge of secondary electrons, i.e., photoelectrons, Compton electrons and Auger electrons during absolute measurement of air kerma and exposure by free air ionization chambers", Workshop on Aborbed dose and Air kerma Primary Standards from 9-11 May 2007 in Paris.

(c) Membership / Fellowship of Learned Societies, Professional Institutions and Other Noteworthy Affiliation etc.::

(i) Life member, Bangladesh Medical Physics Association (BMPA)

(ii) Life member, Bangladesh Physical Society (BPS)

(iii) Life member, Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS)

(iv) Fellow of MEXT The Nuclear Researcher Exchange Program

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Written by: Mohammad Khurshed Alam
E-mail: khurshedphy@phy.buet.ac.bd
 Updated  January 2014                                                                        Updated January 2014